Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Dog Ate My ATC's

Of course this is how it begins. I finished folding all my Tea Bag Tiles. Which I printed off the Web & left them all tucked neatly in a a ziploc baggie. Got up this morning all excited to take my ATC's to trade later today. And where is my baggie??? In the back yard all chewed up with lots of holes so the rain can get in.
Thankfully The Angels were watching over the ATC's and they suffered only minor injury. But my loose folded pieces that are soon to be OWH cards took the biggest hit. Some of the glued ones unraveled themselves into full-on blossoms, interesting. But it may work out, as now they just look Tie Dyed! LMAO! What can you do but laugh :)  Julia  


Cora said...

They all look very interesting to me. I have never tried the folding. I look forward to seeing more of your cards on OWH

Nancy M said...

OOOO, I feel a 'tea bag folding' tutorial coming on! ;-)

Julia said...

I'll see what I can do :)
thanks for posting.